SELVA EcoGardens was established in collaboration with the Non-Profit Community Partnership Outreach Grant from the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP). We are a small team of LA-based biologists and landscape designers who care deeply for our local terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Our partners have included LADWP, Surfrider's Ocean Friendly Gardens (OFG), Green Gardens Group (G3), the LA Beautification Team, the Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance, Mack Consulting and UCLA.
Our goal continues to be to increase the number of residents who apply for the LADWP California Friendly Landscapes and SoCal Water$mart rebates and restore their land to the valuable native habitat it once was! We focus on an ecological approach that includes Surfrider’s Ocean Friendly Garden program of conservation, permeability, and water retention; planting locally appropriate California native plants to enhance habitat value; and soil remediation to recreate living soil ecosystems that work better to infiltrate and hold water, sequester carbon, and sustain plant life through promotion of healthy soil micro/macro organisms. We also design and install rain gardens to retain rainwater within each property to further conserve water, recharge aquifers, and prevent polluted runoff from reaching our oceans. This means that EcoGardens help to restore a healthier, natural landscape to our urban environment that provides local wildlife with the valuable habitat that they’ve evolved to rely on over millennia.
We are proud of this collaborative conservation work throughout Los Angeles and hope to continue our community outreach and education activities to support LA residents in converting their water thirsty lawn to drought tolerant California friendly EcoGardens!
SELVA EcoGardens is a service provided by SELVA International. Please take a look at some of the other environmental projects we work on.